Would You Rather Have An Arrogant Aggressive Woman Hater Protagonist Or A Naive One Who Needs

Apocalypse book plot question? Character related?

One of my main characters is basically a tag-along for a "beautiful" girl because he likes her and doesn't want her to get hurt. However, she is very manipulative and doesn't care much for the well being of others, including the young man.

However, as they make their way through the city trying to find people who have some sort of plan for how to make it past military checkpoints (It's an ultra-realistic zombie-novel type of deal) he helps several people along the way, by doing things that are simple like pouring water from a bottle into their mouths, respecting them, and showing no fear when confronted. He just shows devotion to the girl he loves, and respect to strangers.

Eventually, they find their way to the police station. His dad is a police lieutenant, and runs the place now with an iron fist. With the respect of his father and the respect of the people, he takes power and starts to re-direct the efforts of the people.

Does this seem like a decent character? Constructive criticisms only please. If you say you like what I have, IT WON'T HELP ME. If you say it's terrible, I need a good reason so I know what to change.

You have many clever answers ; let me add some relevant points.France (especially Paris) values Culture.If you want to be a member of the French (high) society, you don’t only have to be rich. Well, if it is the case, you will be considered as a potential client in a shop, but that’s it - you have to earn this respect by your culture. For instance, scholars and University professors are the most highly regarded personalities in our society. For French people, your true value is determined by a bookish and snob kind of knowledge.If you don’t know some Kant or Hobbes quotes, read extensively Hugo or Voltaire… Well, you are not “one of them”.French people are very formal for daily interactions.Basic survival set in France : BONJOUR, S’IL VOUS PLAIT, MERCI, AU REVOIR.Our “etiquette” is a diplomatic weapon.If if you look at this video, you may see a French Président heading toward the POTUS, then changing his mind and going to shake Angela Merkel’s hand.What I as a French is a blatant act of provocation : this attitude is a powerful and manipulative way Macron uses to let “The Donald” know how much he is despised. We sugarcoat our actions with our enemies or threats, and we know how to be cold-hearted, manipulative and vindinctive pricks.Underneath it all, French are savages.French are elitists and competitive by nurturing, and our education is abusive towards children. Only strong minds survive - so we develop huge egos as a coping mechanism.Wanna be a doctor in France ? You have to pass a competition. Out of 100 000 students, 90% fail.Wanna be an engineer? A manager ? professor in La Sorbonne ? You must pass the “Classes Préparatoires”. On day 1, you are told you are nothing, and should better learn how to be a butcher or how to clean restrooms. I’m barely joking… You are pushed to the limits. Of course, all of this is a part of the Natural Sélection. It is as in Game of Thrones - the best survive.If you succeed, you develop coping mechanisms. You feel you’ve done something great. You achieved something : you are a winner, they are loosers - like in Trump’s narcissistic worldview, and hence, you aquire entitlement.Being intimate to somebody is the only moment we may be genuine. And when we are genuine, we are straightforward.Actually, saying that you find something “dégueulasse” (shitty) or confess to X that somebody is a “connard” (jerk) shows you trust him and care for him. You are you true self - which is arrogant. Go figure !

How do you feel about all states being made to allow gay marriage?

Your paper should not just be about how people feel but what is right and wrong. The states are making marriage legal one here and another there. What is not being published is the fact when you marry in those states the only rights you get are the ones of that state. You still can not file taxes together, you can't draw benefits from the federal government. If a man dies his wife is entitled to a portion of his retirement. That is federal not state so we still don't get all the rights. It has to be a federal law change that will make it legal completely.
As far as the way most people feel it's as long as it does not bother them they don't care. It is the religious zealots that are so against us and believe it or not the "skin heads" are against gays and they don't care if your white or not. I don't want special treatment, I just want to marry my partner of 30 years and make sure if something should happen to me she will be protected and able to draw my benefits, be able to inherit everything and not have to fight to keep it. I want her to be my power of attorney if something happens and I can't make decisions. I don't want to be in a hospital where only spouse and blood kin are allowed in. I don't want the estranged family members to come in and try and take everything away from her. So when you write your paper include these details. You don't say if you agree or not, but I hope your open minded enough to think about what I have told you and that your paper will reflect both sides. I don't hate people because they feel it's wrong but I also don't believe they know a lot of the details. That's why writing a paper with the facts is important.

Dearest B&A: What is your opinion on young writers?

Young Y!A writers *are* idealistic. But anyone that is just starting something new they're passionate about would be, too. Everyone has imagined themselves at the top. The majority of the writing, here, may be somewhat talentless but nobody just starting something will be fantastic and these writers know that. That's why they post their work, here. They want to grow and they don't know how else to do it. They obviously have some big aspirations- wanting to publish, and all -and may not be grounded, but how many teens *are* grounded? Having a desire to publish does *not* cancel this attribute out. It shouldn't.

If so many people think that these writers are so immature, they're completely blind to the fact that they're the ones being judgmental and overly critical. Focus on the writing, itself, not the writer or what they plan to do with the writing, and stop complaining about something that shouldn't affect you, anyway.

I definitely went off a tangent. Sorry.

Anyway, my opinion. The majority of teen writing WILL be bad because they'll have just begun finding their style, their genre, their place. This stuff takes time. I've been writing for about six years and I've gotten better, but there are still a lot of things I have to work on. This is the same for everyone. The inevitability of a teen's poor writing shouldn't mean that the writer doesn't deserve some constructive criticism.

There *are* exceptions, too; depending on the teenager's experience and talent, their writing may be fantastic. But remember, they couldn't have gotten there if someone hadn't taken the time to give them some criticism. It's kind of ridiculous that people pick and choose based on factors that have nothing to do with writing, which pieces they read and criticize. Personality and maturity should have nothing to do with it. A teenager is a teenager and writing is writing.

Such a person is almost certainly coming from a position where they feel "entitled" whether is an object or treatment is irrelevant. It's themselves who have decided that they are "Special" or deserve to be treated or given " Special" . For anyone to behave in this way without merit , it extremely selfish and inappropriate. I Would imagine this person would have very few, if any at all, genuine friends. It doesn't take long for people to become dismissive of characters like this. I would might also suggest , it's questionable always "How Much Front" or "How Far or Often" they would push their luck in what would fundamentally be viewed as "looking to take advantage" of people and situations to satisfy their self centred, egocentric, selfish greed. Others experiencing  such Arrogance will quickly find this unacceptable, removing themselves from the presence. . It would not be unusual for individuals diagnosed with some of he commonly known Personality Disorders to have this trait of character. Definitely  not as uncommon as we might imagine. The obvious one that springs to mind is a Narcissis. Narcissists present themselves in various forms Invert/ Covert, Extrovert. Cerebral or Somatic. Sociopaths. Psychopaths etc All however possess a number of common Trsits of Character,Negative Behavior Patterns & Defence Mecsnisms, self centred, arrogance. big egos. A sense of entitlement  & expectations of Special Treatment is present in all of them like forming the base  of theirs characters & Personalities. You might want to check out or look into this. My guess is , it would depend on how severe the "entitled" bit was in each person should they be properly tested. Hope this helps Thanks 4 the A2A