Would You Say That Men And Women Who Are Abused By Their Partner Are At Least Partially Responsible

Is it possible for a boyfriend to coerce a girlfriend into bestiality or child abuse?

(I agree that the woman would be mostly or partly to blame. I just want to know if that would be a form of manipulation or abuse. I hear of cases where methn force or coerce their wives to molest their child. They threa'ten to divorce them if they don't do what they say. I just want to know if threatening to harm or break up with someone if they don't want to concent to ANY sexual act is abuse.

Is feminism responsible for fear mongering of men?

of course the DOJ has more fathers being CRIMINALIZED for murder of children than is called feminism...that is my whole point...mothers kill their children more often than fathers, boyfriends, partners, strangers, and others
"Perpetrator Relationships of Child Fatalities
Three-quarters (75.9%) of child fatalities were caused by one or more parents (figure 4-2).7 More than one-quarter (27.4%) of fatalities were perpetrated by the mother acting alone.8 Nonparental perpetrators (e.g., other relative, foster parent, residential facility staff, "other," and legal guardian) were responsible for 14.7 percent of fatalities."

"Characteristics of Perpetrators
For FFY 2006, 57.9 percent of the perpetrators were women and 42.1 percent were men.2

Why do girls get raped? Is it partially there fault?

Another great question dude!! If it is never the victims fault then why do we say things like-she sould have never gone with that stranger to his house or wherever. remember Linda Sobek, the head Raider chearleader, who went with the stranger posing as a photographer and got buried alive.big news nation and world wide and every one kept saying it was her fault for going with a stranger. we tell are kids all the time never to go with strangers. If our kids disobey do we get mad at the stranger or the kid? Sometimes our fault, somtimes the criminal. oh and by the way we should not put ourselves in compromising situaions, if you do then it is your fault. always be on the look out right? if you don't then it is your fault! get it? my answer is a more careful answer, the other answers leave room for compromise, and the I am the victim thing does not work here. you are responsible to take the measures necessary to protect your own life.

Why is it that a cheating partner feels as if they are always the victim for choosing to be deceitful and dishonest?

In 20+ years of looking at this issue, I have to say, what you’ve described is common—very common!What I seen from the wives is this,The betrayal is one thing. The lying is another. (While those things are traumatizing in and of themselves, the women are usually strong enough to handle them, as evidenced by the fact that they stay in relationship.)But the blameshifting, lack of ownership, not making it right, and harmful communication skills are the things that make women empty shells of themselves. It’s here they begin looking for a way out.It’s a heartbreaking thing to watch happen.She finds out, and he promises he’ll change.But because it’s so difficult for him to stop acting-out sexually, he eventually switches to the destructive behaviors you describe—he usually says that’s so painful for her it re-traumatizes her.Why does this happen?I think it happens for the same reasons he acts out sexually in the first place.He’s looking for an easy way out—and what easier way to get out from under the pressure of knowing he did something harmful than by opening up his mouth and spewing more harm?He’s very well educated on the sexual aspects of a relationship, but not in the finer details like communication, caring and reparation.(This doesn’t apply in every case but) He may be an extremely selfish person. He’ll tell you what you want to hear (“I won’t do it again”) just to get you off his back, but then when you press him, he lashes out in selfishness.The quickest solution?Let him teach you who he is and how he wants to behave in relationship. Then see if that’s something you want in your future.

Male Friendships are generally shallow forcing men to seek out close lady friends (and cheat)?

Not necessarily. Communication works both ways. Have you discussed with your wife of this need, how does she feel about it and what did she say? You have the word "cheat" in parenthesis in your question which appears that what you are looking for is another woman, period. If it's social and conversational needs that you want fulfilled only, then how about the two of you finding some social activities to participate in on a regular basis such as bowling, prayer group, a class on real estate? If you love your wife, then fill the "unfulfillment" together by finding new hobbies together. You are partly responsible for making the relationship what it is and she is the other half of the responsibility. You can only make things more fulfilling by communicating your needs together. Maybe she has no interest in what you have to say because her husband selectively hears what he wants to hear and she feels "left out" and lonely in her own way. It always seems easier to just find someone else. Every single relationship lacks in something. Of course it always feels good when someone else listens to one of your stories or life experiences or gives their opinion and it's healthy and there's nothing wrong with that. It feels good to have our egos filled, to have attention received and new perspectives introduced, but never allow these momentary satisfactions destroy the love and respect you have for your wife. If friendship for conversation is all you seek, that shouldn't be a problem. If you are seeking to cheat, then I don't agree with you having female friends.

I was abusive to my girlfriend at the time and she left me. What should I do?

In all honesty, you really need to work on yourself first. You are the abuser and it is not your ex girlfriend’s responsibility to go with you to therapy. These are your issues, your problems. By making your ex do therapy with you, you are essentially saying that she is part of the issue. I can tell you right now, she is NOT the problem.Men who are abusive towards women rarely ever want to fix themselves because they find no real fault in their actions. They usually pin their reactions on their partner. Whether it is physical or emotional abuse, or both; either is absolutely unacceptable!Your ex was fortunately a strong enough woman to leave you. She would be smart to stay away. At least until you seek the therapy that you need. You need to figure out why you became abusive in the first place. And how to avoid those kinds of reactions in the future. Maybe anger management would help. But I would suggest seeking professional help, not DIY therapy. This kind of behavior is a very serious problem. You’re really lucky she didn’t press charges, especially if you got physical with her.