Writing Help Help Me Refine My Story

Does writing and reading answers on Quora help you to improve your writing and reading skills? If yes, then how?

Yes they do help in improving your writing and reading skills. For writing skills:I follow topic Words and every day I come across a new and beautiful word. I use this as an opportunity to write a short story involving that word.I came to know about the art of telling stories and not explaining them. There are many questions which asks what is the best 1 line or 2 line or 3 line story you can write, then there are stories which change dramatically after every line etc. Those help me to understand and play with words in a constrained environment which really helps.Then come the part of writing elaborative answers. I follow many top writers and one thing that is quite common among them is every now and then they write a long but very interestingly put together answer. This helps me understand how to present your ideas so that reader stay connected and entertained.For reading skills:As I follow many top writers and people who write elaborative answer reading those helped me in great deal to read fast on a screen.The same question is answered from the different point of views by different people. Reading on quora helped in my ability absorb ideas from different angles.

What is easier writing your story in a book or on a computer screen?

For me, the process is writing in a journal first. I usually doodle alongside my words, and I never use lined paper. Once I have something interesting, I scrawl out initial blocks longhand and then transfer that to the computer. Once on screen, I print it out and edit longhand. I edit at least a dozen times per story or poem. After the longhand edits, I refine the work onscreen and don’t print it out again before sending it in for publication.It’s the editing that makes the work good, trust me. Just be certain not to edit out the good stuff. I never throw previous drafts away. Instead, I stack them, stapling them all together in case I need to find an important line or scene I edited out!

Would you post a story you have written on a writing platform to another, and why?

I’ve done it. I posted a lot of my stories on my personal website in the mid-1990s (Original Short Stories) and then later re-posted them on my Ennyman's Territory blog about 12-15 years later. A few of those stories were translated and re-posted in foreign country websites (Croatia, Russia, France) and more recently I have submitted a couple to some other websites, and would like sharing them still more broadly.As for why? Because I am writer who seeks to share what I have written. I enjoy getting feedback on the stories, and connecting with other human beings. When my writing is distributed, shared, I feel a sense of affirmation, that my labors were not in vain.

Which one sounds more interesting? (Description of a story I am writing)?

1- I was blessed with the job to protect the one I love and treasure the most. My first and only love, someone who I could never have, or even imagine to have..yet the feelings I had for her couldn't be erased no matter how much I tried. But with circumstances, I had to make the person I love run away with me. Stick out to find out what happened in our journey

2- "you have to know the consequences of your decision."
"do you think I made this decision without knowing the consequences"

because there are no consequences you have to face and I can get killed because of it, but I can die for you any day my love

And if only there was any use of you knowing how much I love you, but this love of mine goes no where, and no matter how good I get I'll never be worthy of someone like you, because I wasn't born with something like Royality. Because a Princess deserves a Prince, not a soldier who's on the duty to protect her.

3- If you have a better suggestion with the material written here and Can merge to make a better description please do tell me I'd appreciate it A lot thank youu. All answers are appreciated

Writing Fantasy/Sci Fi Novels!?

Hi there,

Yes, I have written a fantasy novel. It took me ten years to write, revise, and finally sell it. I had a great time.

I started with an idea. I created the main characters. I wrote a short story based on my idea and characters. But the story kept growing and growing, and soon I realized that I had enough material for a novel.

So I began to outline. I detailed every chapter, and the outline kept growing, until finally it was fifty pages long.

Then one day, I put a good CD into my portable CD player, took my laptop out into the garden, and began to write. I wrote based on my outline, following the plot, changing things as I went along. I kept writing until the novel was finished.

The first draft was a mess. I revised, rewrote, polished, revised again, rewrote some more. I ran the book through a writers' workshop. This was my first novel, and I learned a lot during each rewrite. At the same time, I began writing and selling short stories, which further helped me learn the craft.

Finally the novel was done. I sent it out to publishers, one bought it, and there you go.

Good writers, I believe, write because they're passionate about their stories, and because they love good books. Find that story you really want to tell, and you'll learn the rest along the way.

If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask me!

Thanks, and good luck with your novel.

Daniel Arenson
"Discover a world at the edge of imagination..."
Firefly Island, a fantasy novel

Can reading improve my writing skills?

People will often argue that reading the works of others can increase your writing skill because you can consciously dissect what makes certain things succeed or fail in writing, and this is true to an extent. But then, if it really worked like that, you might expect critics to be the best authors around and although there is a lot of overlap – Charlie Brooker, for instance – this is not necessarily true. Analysis and criticism are a mixture of hard and soft skills, and so is writing in general. So how does reading help you write?In my view, and I would expect there to be some evidence from psychology supporting this but I’ve not checked, a lot of the process of reading and writing is unconscious and intuitive, rather than conscious and analytical, which uses the big, slow, logical cortices at the front of your brain. Reading the works of others imparts a wealth of unconscious and semi-conscious ideas, characters, intuition on good sentence structure (which we experience as natural rhythm) and other aspects that go into crafting text. It’s absorbed to some unknown extent and it informs your muse, away from the conscious part of your mind.We are sensory creatures, and we take in far more information than we are consciously aware of. The reading process will reflect in your writing, almost certainly for the better. It will introduce new ideas, words, phrases, and also add layers of inspiration and finesse to your own percolating ideas.

Deep Thoughts on Writing?

I am a current university scholar studying the concept of writing and the writing process. I am wondering what reflections others had on this topic because it is so intriguing. What do you think compels writers to write? How do they approach their writing differently? What is their relationship with their audience? These questions are entirely opinion-based and I am curious as to the public's views on the topic.

Do you think good writing is innate, or can it be learned?

I make other writers mad when I say this but writing is a completely learned skill. The words and what order to put them in are already established and there are no new stories to tell. The skill part of writing is being a good story teller and being able to give old stories a new twist.