Xbox 360 Destiny Game Zoomed In

Can you zoom in on veiwing pictures on xbox 360?

no you can't...i thought you could to, but i tried for a long time one night, and it just doesn't have that option


Xbox 360 zoomed in on display at startup cant zoom out?

This definitely had to do with either your TV settings, or your xbox display settings. They can be found in your settings on the dashboard.. look for the hdtv settings and make sure they are set to what your tv needs. also be sure to make sure you didnt flip the switch on your AV cable to the HD side if thats not what you need... this switch is located on the cable the is plugged into the back of your xbox.

Party games or ideas anyone??

im planning a party and does anyone know any party ideas or games we can do. we are going bowling. going out to dinner and then we are comming back home. hang out .then girls sleep over. any other ideas anyone??

thank you♥

What is the best game in the Halo series?

Halo: CE.I don't feel the need to explain this, but if you aren't old enough to have played the game when it was new, then the reasons are many.It was revolutionary on game consoles, FPS games had long been limited to PC's an keyboard/mouse input. Many people felt the controller was a poor replacement, but Halo and the XBox's two thumbstick controller proved them wrong and the game was a huge success, and the killer app for the Xbox.The integration of co-op multi-player and vehicles also made the game unique at the time.The reveal of the Flood, a perfectly executed plot twist that nobody saw coming.Exploring the Ring. There was a certain "magic" of exploring the ring Halo:CE which none of the successors has achieved for me.Music. The original score for Halo is fantastic, and iconic. It turns a game into an experience.

Which video games made you feel you did not get your money's worth?

Dark Souls 2 was way too short, the gameplay was floaty and difficult to manage, and it didn’t hold a candle to its predecessor by a long shot.Aliens: Colonial Marines is not worth any price. It is an incomplete game that fails at capturing the nostalgia of the original movie, and it fails at capturing what makes any video game ever seem fun.Fallout 4 fails at being an RPG, it fails at providing meaningful choices, an interesting world, a compelling plot, and above all it fails at being a current gen video game, the like of The Witcher 3, Mass Effect, and even Boarderlands; All great games that came out before Fallout 4.GTAV certainly does not skimp of the amount of activities to hold you over, the length of the game is pretty decent, and the gameplay leaves little to be desired. But the story and characters, one of the most important parts of any Rockstar game, suck. There is a sincere lack of compelling drama, comedy, and motivation within the story.I got Virtual Pool for $1. There is no option to pause. 0/10.The Final Station had potential to be pretty awesome. But it’s way too short, and the narrative is purposefully minimalist and vague, leaving the potentially interesting plot to just dangle with absolutely no closure.Godzilla on the PS4 kinda sucks. I love Godzilla, and so does Japan. You would think that they would be the only people who could make a good Godzilla game, but this thing fails of almost every level. The gameplay is atrocious; A slow, confusing, and luck based button masher. The variety is lacking; Monster choice is oddly limited, with 60’s versions of monsters making appearances, while millennium versions of other monsters show up, with no rhyme or reason. The game only takes place in Japan, of which there are only at least 5 whole levels, all tiny, undetailed, bland, and boring. This game serves no purpose. The fan service isn’t good enough for Godzilla fans, and the rest of the game is simply too awful for any outside player.The Sims 4. It sucks. No explanation needed.