Yeast Infection Or Bacterial Infection

Bacterial infections???

Good question. When you have an infection lie bacterial infections and you are prescribed antibiotics then you can acquire other infections such as yeast or fungal. Now if your immune system is compromised then you are more likely to acquire different pathogens that cause diseases. Immune-compromised people could have of course HIV/AIDS, but also cancers, or auto-immune disorders, only lab tests order by your doctor would be the only way to tell. Now the items you talked about could be from the following:
Bacterial infection august & tonsillitis- Well these could mean the same. itis means inflammation, when you have a bacteria infection or viral in your throat your tonsils my become inflamed or simple tonsillitis. Yeast infections sometimes follow antibiotic treatments. As for the bacterial vaginosis this could have been there for awhile. Many time women are not aware of an infection until much later on. With that said, you mentioned a partner. Well depends on how active you are, certain positions and acts can spread one bug to another area. You might want to insist that your partner goes to a doctor for a check up at least. He or she could have a yeast infection in his or her mouth, which depends on your preferences, could spread to other regions of your anatomy.
Certain bacteria live happily and quietly in different parts of our bodies, if these move to another area they could become pathogenic. i.e. E.coli is in your lower intestines and rectum if this enters in the vagina or in the penis bacteria infections can form. Remember the "front to back wiping"

If you are that concerned with these reoccurring infections I would talk to your doctor and see if he or she is concerned. They do seem like they are happening a little more than the normal infection rate.

Yeast infection or Bacterial Vaginitis?

I’ve been diagnosed with BV twice this year in April. Took Metronidazole as prescribed. Still recurrent! I have an active unprotected sex life with only 1 partner (my first ever).

My vagina emits a horrible fishy odor, but there’s NO itching/ burning. I find that it gets worse when I eat sweets.

This has been recurrent ALLLLL YEAR!! Please help!

Yeast infection or bacterial infection?


Just this Monday, I was at the movies with my friend & thank goodness it was only us in the movies...but me & her could smell a fishy smell h it was me. I didn't know why, I was done with my period on Sunday so i thought maybe that was why? She's had yeast infection twice before, one because she's allergic to scented tampons & pads. It's Thursday now & it still has that smell. I wash down there whenver I shower but i was told washing too much can cause that??

Also I'm 18, I told my mom about it & she's setting an appointment up for tomorrow. But my friend told me they do a pap smear (sorry I really dnt know how its spelled) & i never had one done & i don't want them telling my mom if I'm a virgin or not. I don't even want my mom in the room with me when they check me!!! If I don't want her goin in, is she suppose to stay outside in the patient room because of my request?

& since I'm 18 & want the doctors to keep it confidential, by law they can't tell her if I'm a virgin or not or anything else except the fact that I do have a yeast infection, right? I've only had sex with one person my whole life, my ex. Were on & off a lot so I mean we barely ever had sex & its been about weeks since I last had sex so i mean I'm "tight" down there. I have a lot of guy friends, rarely any girl friends because of the drama. I'm kind of a Tom boy but my mom starts questioning thinking i sleep with different guys or somethin & i don't, its annoying that she thinks this way just because I have a lot of guy friends.

So am I able to have her wait outside & tell the doctors not to tell her if I'm a virgin or not? Will they even do a pap smear on me? Do they HAVE to?? I just don't like my mom knowing my business, its my life & anything she knows or finds out she runs her mouth to EVERYBODY, my grandparents & her brothers & everybody.

Also, I use condoms when havin sex. & does soaps or tampons cause this? My mom bought Nivea body wash few days ago so is that why?

Yeast infection or bacterial infection?

Yeast infections don't have a fishy smell you have bacterial infection caused by a imbalance in your vagina & douching exacerbates this problem.
If your vulva smells fishy, it is almost certain that you have bacterial vaginosis (also known as ‘anaerobic vaginosis’). This is an imbalance in the bacteria in the vagina. All women have harmless bacteria in their vaginal passage. In bacterial vaginosis, some of the bacteria multiply so that more are present than is normal (it is usually the Gardnerella and Mobiluncus bacteria that are the culprits). In other words, bacterial vaginosis is not an infection caught from your partner, it is due to bacteria that are normally present in the vagina.
Bacterial vaginosis is treated with an antibiotic, metronidazole, from your doctor.

What is the difference between bacterial infection and yeast infection?

A bacterial infection is caused by a bacteria and needs antibiotics. A yeast infection is caused by an overgrowth of yeast and you use an anti fungal such as monostat for that. They are not the same thing. If you have been diagnosed with a bacterial infection a doctor would have had to do that so where is your prescription. If you are self diagnosing, bad idea.

Can bacteria from yeast infections & bacterial infections get in the womb?

Yes.. its crucial to go get checked asap. Those infections can affect the fetus in many ways. If you suspect.. go get treated!.

Reacurring bacterial infections and yeast infections?

i'm 29 weeks pregnant and i still keep getting (or have the same infection) bacterial infections and yeast infections (the yeast infection is due to all the antibiotics i have been put on)

i was wondering when i go into labor and if these still are not taken care of (I HOPE THEY ARE THO!!) can i still deliver vaginaly?

What’s the difference between a yeast infection and bacterial vaginosis?

Bacterial infections involve actual bacteria as the infecting organism. Yeast infections involve fungai and yeast as the infecting organism. Although some antibiotics kill both yeast and bacteria, generally there are specific for fungai and yeast and other specific different antibiotics for bacteria. Bacterial infection include very serious things such as syphilis and gonorrea as well as less dangerous infections. If you would like to know about yeast infection I would recommend you check out

Does this sound more like a yeast infection or bacterial vaginitis?

before i had my period i had sort of a fishy scent, but not overpoweringly strong, hardly noticible. i figured it would go away. after my period ended i started to get white thick discharge, and the outside lips of my vagina have been getting red, irritated, ITCHY, and burn. I still have a small fishy odor.this is the first time with these symptoms and since im only 16 iv never been to the gyno. My mom bought me monistat 7 day treatment, but i couldnt stand it. it severly caused me to itch and become irritated inside. ( i also forgot to add that i just got off antibiotics.) i think a rational idea is to go to the gyno, but im too nervous. what do you think? also, what will the gyno do in my situation?