You Are Given The Dollar Value Of A Product In 2008 And The Rate At Which The Value Of The Product

You are given the dollar value of a product in 2008 and the rate at which the value of the product is expected?

I'm guessing that the product was $1050 in 2008 and increased $150 per year.
So, the slope of the line is 150 and (8, 1050) is a point on the line.

Let y = value of product in year t.
y - 1050 = 150(t - 8)

Why is the United States dollar losing value?

This is the real question every one has to understand. Because I too noticed that all medias just say dollar is falling or so.
The main reason is our huge foreign debt. Housing crises, dollar fall, stock market crises, Hike in gas and gold are just indications of recession.
Today we have only 11% prodution units compared to post WW I I. More imports and less exports developed foreign debt. As on today we have 9 trillion dollars ( 9,000,000,000,000=00) of foreign debt. Again we are adding about 2 billion dollars every day. So our dollar is going down. This is beyond control. Now there is no choice. .
Its easy to understand in the year 2000 we were getting 1.21 euros for dollar. But right now we are getting only 0.68 euros. Means If we have 100 dollars in year 2000 right now that become worth only 56.19 dollars. Means we lost so much wealth already compared to other nations.
No economist can predict the exact results of recession. Because this is recession of all world driven by US. Countries like China, Japan, Canada, Mexico and German may suffer more next to our country.
now china currency is almost fixed ( pegged) with US $ . If in case china take out the pegging means if their currency keep floating, we start to feel more sever depression. we may not afford to buy made in china goods. We have to start our closed prodution units back. As per me this date may fall in 2008. Because of weak dollar china is loosing a lot. It buy raw material and oil for more money and sell goods to us for less money . Its loosing money to keep their own and US economy running.
Now everything is beyond control. Nobody can control or prevent us from going depression.
We dont have any chance to escape from this. As we are super power the exact impact of depression is getting postponed.
The only way left is to save yourself.
To know more about your answers watch following video clips

How does value of dollar decrease?

There are two main reasons why a currency is devalued on the open market.

1. Right now we are running large trade deficits with other countries. This is the primary cause of currency devaluation on the open market. Right now we are running large trade deficits with Europe and south east asia. This means they have more dollars to exchange than we have Euros to exchange back to them.

2. The second reason is right now interest rates are extremely low. This causes people to invest elsewhere because there is higher return in other countries.

Dont listen to these quakes above me. They havent taken an Economics course in their life. Currency devaluation on the international money market and internal inflation are two completely different things. Right now inflation is not high at all. In fact it is probably very low since we might be heading into a recession.

I have BBA degrees in Econ finance and Accounting.

What will happen if the dollar rate decreases or increases? Why is it so important to us?

When dollar rate decreases it means that value of rupee increases and vice-versa. Dollar rate is affected by the supply and demand of both the currencies involved. If demand of dollar is more then dollar rate will increase because people are willing to sacrifice more of rupees to obtain 1 dollar. If demand of rupees is higher then dollar rate will decrease because not many will be trading rupees for dollars, hence, to make dollar more lucrative/ attractive, its value will be reduces, giving us lower dollar rate.Dollar rate affects people in India because all the exports and imports are done in dollar currency. If dollar rate is higher then traders of India will have to let go of more rupees to pay for goods. When a trader obtains the goods at higher price then they will certainly sell it also at higher price. Eventually, goods become costly for Indian consumers because of high dollar rate. Apart from trading, other factors may also get influenced like FDIs, profits, interest rates, etc.

What is a media impression worth in dollar terms, eg what is 100 Million twitter impressions equivalent to in PR value?

So back to the original question: What is the value of a Facebook impression? Consider pricing today for products like e-mail and online advertising.
e-mail newsletters in niche categories like sport fishing can command $100 cpms. If we valued Facebook impressions at that rate, then a 100,000 impressions on Facebook would be worth $10,000. But it's clear that Facebook impressions are worth more.
A click on a typical sponsored link or display banner priced on a cost-per-click basis can cost anywhere from pennies to several dollars, but a conservative number is $.50 in the fishing category. If we thought of an impression as the equivalent of a click, then 100,000 impressions would be valued at $50,0000, which doesn't sound reasonable. That's because clicks are a deliberate act by the consumer, whereas impressions are informed programming suggestions by Facebook. The click does beat the impression.
What's more like a click, when it comes to a Facebook impression, is interaction with impressions—likes, comments, click-thru. But if you see 2 percent interaction rate with 100,000 Facebook impressions, and you price those like clicks at $.50, you come out at $1,000, which values the impression well below what we argue is an inferior product, the marketing e-mail.

What is the effect of inflation on the value of the rupee against the dollar?

Thanks for the A2A This is my understanding. Being an engineer by background, I like to simplify things to understand. I might be wrong, so if there are any economists or subject-matter experts reading this, do correct me. Let us reduce India to a group of 100 people. And the only product that these 100 people buy are Apples. Taking cue from one of the answers, there are two possibilities. We produce lots of apples that we have sufficient for us and to export. We do not produce sufficient apples, that we import some to feed the country. Now for some reason, people want to buy more apples. Let us say Apple festival has come, thus rising the demand for it. This causes an inflation in prices of per apple. Case #1 - Producing lots of apples.Since the demand for apples is more in India, our exports to other countries decrease a bit. Thus getting less demand for rupees amongst countries. This would pull the currency rate down, since not many countries are looking for so much rupees to pay as before. Case #2 - Producing insufficient apples, thus ending up importing some.Now we need more dollars to buy the extra apples. Worldwide, the demand for dollars has gone up, thus strengthening the dollar against the rupee. Hence, weakening rupee again. I am really unsure about this model! This stems from my crude understanding of economics. Points for development are welcome!

Math problem! help due soon!?

.You are given the dollar value of a product in 2005 and the rate at which the value of the product is expected to change during the next 5 years. Use this information to write a linear equation that gives the dollar value V of the product in terms of the year t. (Let t = 5 represent 2005.)
2005 Value Rate
$192 $6.00 increase per year