Your Thoughts On Being In Love

What are your thoughts on love?

I suppose I let love find me because I had to let myself mature and grow up a bit to realize that giving love is as good as receiving it. Looking for love isn't a bad thing as long as you know where to look for it.
I think that those who have looked for love have found it and also that some have looked for it in the wrong places. I let love find me because I believe that love can found wherever you go...just keep your eyes open for when it presents itself I guess.
There's a lot to say and not enough time to is a complex thing.

What are your thoughts on this love quote?

Great quote. Here is another good one:

"Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being 'in love' which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident."

What is your thought about love?

I will answer but only my perspective.To me love is not the 3 month infatuation, it is when hard times comes and we struggle and still stay together. To me love is 1000 reasons to hate, but 1 reason that makes me to hold on. To me, I am clingy but i would like my love to accept that and adjust a little accordingly. To me love is timeless and spaceless….distance apart you still remember each other.To me love is understanding, and knowing that having a hectic life and probably less communication dosen’t mean that I dont care or dont think of you.Everyone has things to care of and sometimes attention is diverted.To me love growing up with each other, not in age but in understanding.I can fight like dogs, but I know that every dog returns to his house.Fighting doesn’t mean a bad relationship, it just means you need to mature more and make it work.I am a 21st century guy living in the 19th century.I might like fast cars, but not a fast relationship.I don’t fall in Love, break out of love and then move on.Thats not who I am. I like it when things get hot, things go bad, because even to make a diamond, carbon had to be heated to high temperatures first.Relationships are the same.To me love is about no secrets, password ? Huh whats that ? I don’t have anything to hide, and so shouldn’t you.To me love is when you no longer have that excitement of being a young, passionate guy/ girl in love, but you know that probably being in love is not about excitement at all.Its about being responsible, caring, supporting and coming back home tired to the smile of one person who makes it all worth.Having a thrill is one day thing, which I don’t believe in (you know what I mean), but having to love someone is hard work.

As an aromantic person, what are your thoughts on romantic love?

I don't really know what to think about it. I can't imagine it, to be honest. Which is so strange because in our society, it's everywhere. It's in every movie, in every book, in every city and every street, which makes me understand it somehow. When I read a book written in one of the character POV, I literally feel my heart beating, my hormones jumping, the thing with the butterfly in a certain way. I don't imagine myself in the book, mind you. I don't even imagine the characters. Just the feelings.So yeah. I know I logically comprehend it. But at the same time… if something isn't placated “romance” in red, especially IRL, I just won't perceive it as such. Because as much as my logical side understand it, my emotional one is just plainly lost. I am not romance repulsed, I'm just not able to feel it, or anything towards it. Romance? Yeah, whatever. Don't really care. It's just another way of having a strong relationship with someone, even if it's kinda strange, I dunno.

How to STOP thoughts of wanting human contact for love, sex?

there is no place for people like me neithr in the world i know what you go through.. hard huh... at least we know were not the only ones that think like that ive been that way my entire life.. i even got beat up cause i think like that... and made fun of.. no i dont wanna be a catholic nun...or any other life form it confuses us right... well.. if you can find someone that thinks like you or force them to think like you do thats what i do.. and if they dont wanna think like i do they can just go stop by knowing love is a dumb word and its the men that want sex not females.. we need a roof over our head a warm bed to sleep in alone and someone to eat meals with take a walk in the park with no love no sex and play cards with or something platonic if they dont like it they can go elsewhere... bf thing is stupid husbands are thing they are fickle.. and you are not a loser just cause you have never been on dates.. you are being honest... sex is pukey.. were not lesbians neither.. ive tried to stay away from boys and men my entire life.. i dont trust em..

What's it like being in love?

When you're in love, you definatly know it. Its not something you have to wonder about.
You get these butterflies in your stomache, this strange feeling that wasnt there before.
You find yourself smiling like an idiot when you think of them.
Its the best feeling in the world, you could be in the deepest darkest depths of depression, but love will make the world become colorful and worth living in again.
Dont worry, you'll find it. Its one of those things you just dont actively look for, the world has its way of finding it for you, and just when you least expect it, BAM, there's no denying it, there it is.
Also, theres many different KINDS of love. Some are stronger than others, some have different degree's and aspects than others. Screw those cynics that say love doesnt exist, it does. Even if you have to narrow it down scientifically to just chemicals that are released in your brain, its still there. It is what it is.

What aare your thoughts on "tough love" ?

"Tough love" is not words, necessarily. "Tough love" comes in to play when parents haven't raised their children properly and now, for some reason, they are trying to do the right thing. But, at this point, the children are older (usually teens) and set in their ways. That makes it difficult for them to change and show respect to their parents who are putting in place rules that they've never had before. Therefore, you have to get tough with them in order to get them to comply. An example that I heard about was a teen not coming home when they were supposed to. The parents locked them out of the house. So, when they did come home, they couldn't get in and had to sleep outside.

If parents would raise their children properly, they would have respect for their parents and be in obedience to them, even in their teens.

Now that I've said that, let me say this. None of us are perfect. We all make mistakes. Some parents try and do the best they can raising their children. Sometimes, we are misguided. For example, reading books that tell us not to spank our children. This is ridiculous. Sometimes, parents split on how to raise a child (e.g. father wants to punish a child for some wrong, whereas the mother doesn’t – this causes conflict and the children, who are smarter than some of us think, picks up on that and then uses it to benefit themselves). Sometimes, our children become influenced by other children not properly raised.

For whatever reasons that our children get to the point that they are no longer obedient to our will, we need to take a stand and try to correct the problem for their sake as well as society. Sometimes, “tough love” is needed.

What are your thoughts of wives being submissive to their husbands?

@ David- not sure what you are talking about. I was asking a simple question and was requesting an opinion. However I am a Christian and completely understand what the meaning of submission is. I would never mistreat my wife and would never expect anything less than full submission and respect in return. Not sure were your assumptions come from, but I was simply asking for others opinions and not trying to be ignorant and tell a half truth. Sounds like assumption may be the real ignorance here!